My Research
Moderation of on-line discussions by tutors or e-moderators is an accepted strategy in using on-line learning. While some authors recognize the issue of effective tutor interventions and different learning styles, little is known about the range of effective e-moderation strategies available or about their relative effectiveness in maximizing the learning opportunities for students where directive and non-directive intervention takes place. Further, there has been limited interest in naturalistic studies where on-line learning is part of an on-going course or module for students in higher education in the UK.My Research aims to explore the nature of e-moderation from a pedagogical point of view.
- It is research into the nature of the learning experience, in all its full and deep detail, which we could get into possibilities for research into the learning.
- It is a research that focuses not only on the 'learning opportunity'- but on the actual learning as well.
What are the main decisions that the e-utor makes, in choosing anddesigning inputs and in deciding when and how to respond totrigger in student behaviour?
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